Friday, 22 August 2008

Iranian general accuses USA, UK of funding insurgents - fuller version

A general of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corp has accused the USA and UK of inciting insurgents in the Iranian provinces of Sistan-Baluchestan and Khuzestan.

Financial rewards have been promised in exchange for opposing the government, Gen Sha'bani, the deputy head of the Staff Commander University of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corp, said in a programme entitled "In the Name of Martyrs' Lord" broadcast on Iranian state television in West Azarbayjan Province on 21 August.

Gen Sha'bani, a veteran of the Iran-Iraq war, addressed war veterans and local clerics at a gathering in a mosque to commemorate martyrs of Naqadeh District of West Azarbayjan Province.

In his speech he touched on the New Middle East Plan, attacks in Sistan-Baluchestan and Khuzestan provinces, Iran's activities in the sphere of nuclear energy and other spheres of science, and the 33-day Israel-Lebanon war.

Speaking about the New Middle East Plan, Gen Sha'bani said that this plan was prepared by the Israeli president, Shimon Peres, and raised by American President George Bush and State Secretary Condoleezza Rice.

"The activity of ethnic separatists is one of the most important goals of the New Middle East Plan. One person will be told that his is a Turk, another one will be told that his is a Kurd, another one that he is a Persian and another one that he is a Baluch," he added.

The general explained that according to this plan, states must not be involved in ideological activities, but only provide services. According to the plan, the cities of Mecca and Medina will be separated from Saudi Arabia and a theocratic state like the Vatican will be established there, Sha'bani said.

"A united Iraq has no meaning in the New Middle East Plan: southern Iraq, midlands and northern Iraq," he said.

Noting that the enemy is preparing to attack Iran, Gen Sha'bani called for people to maintain their unity and avoid disagreements.

Sha'bani said that three US officers, two British officers and four Pakistani elements recently invited insurgents in the eastern areas of Iran to Pakistan's Mand [district]. "They were told that each of them would be paid 13,000 dollars for closing a road in Islamic Iran for half an hour, for abducting 10 people or for killing 10 others," he said.

Gen Sha'bani went on to speak about attacks in Khuzestan Province, saying that 23 people have been arrested in Ahvaz in this connection.

Sha'bani said the investigation showed that "most of them said they were told that those who blow up a government bank will be paid 100,000 dinars. We will pay 50,000 dinars to those who set fire to a state vehicle and 25,000 dinars to those who set fire to civilian vehicles."

Gen Sha'bani spoke about Iran's scientific achievements. "At some point we did not even have barbed wire. However, now we have gained access to peaceful nuclear power. The enemy is afraid. In the laser sphere, we have made such progress that most of it has not been disclosed yet. Iran takes 11th place in the world for its development of embryology," he added.

He quoted IAEA chief Al-Baradi'i as telling the Iranian president that "I am cannot hide my happiness about your profound progress on nuclear technology. Now you feel that you are one of the 10 nuclear powers in the world."

The general also praised Hezbollah leader Seyyid Hasan Nasrallah for preventing a split between the Lebanese, the Sunnis and the Shi'is. Sha'bani quoted a Christian girl as saying that Nasrallah returned honour to the Lebanese people.

At the end, he called on the Basij Resistance Force to take an active part in drills and exercises, adding that their attendance would influence events.

Source: Vision of the Islamic Republic of Iran West Azarbayjan Provincial TV, Orumiyeh, in Persian 1520 gmt 21 Aug 08

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