It is rather disappointing to say the least that while the Arab summit is currently underway there are many missing participants. The governments of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Lebanon need to be more responsible than boycotting the summit. These summits are integral to overcoming political and other related issues. This is not simply a matter of governments working through difficult times but allowing the people to have a voice in change. While Syria may be viewed a pariah by some, the summit in Damascus would allow for the differences of opinion to be addressed in thorough and coherent manner. Discussing these issues is the only way to combat the differences, boycotting amounts to an unwillingness to resolve the issues at hand. Saudi Arabia and Egypt boycotting Syria for its real or unreal role in Lebanon's political affairs is pure hypocrisy at best. Neither of these states have a legged to stand on when discussing issues such as democracy, which from the rhetoric of both states seems to be the reason why they will not participate. It begs to wonder, if democracy were allowed to flourish in Lebanon would these two states be better off or would it hinder their continued autocracy? Is this possibly a reason for their absence? Or, and this seems very credible, is their a foreign power coercing these two independent and free nation-states to obviate from being responsible?
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